Extortionist to play Funhouse on November 4th

Extortionist to play Funhouse on November 4th

Erupting from the otherwise unobtrusive depths of Idaho in 2013, Exortionist are a crushing deathcore quintet that made crime a household name for the heavy music community. From a subtle start to being one of the most respected and reveled names in the American death-and-metalcore scene, Extortionist are the product of boundless brutality and a die-hard DIY attitude that enabled them to ascend the heavy music hierarchy with ease.

Emerging with a dissonant, chaotic downtempo deathcore EP, The Black Sheep, Extortionist hit the ground running, wasting no time in expanding their name and their style. Touring throughout the Northwest and West Coast since their inception, Extortionist are anything but lazy. Rapidly outgrowing the confines of the trendy-and-tedious downtempo deathcore sub genre, Extortionist followed up their early 2014 EP with a ruthless, catchy and crushing single, “Faithless,” that highlighted their ability to write groovy, bouncy segments as well as retaining prowess in crafting prolapse-inducing breakdowns. “Faithless” propelled the band into 2015 with momentum to spare, touring dilligently from coast to coast while still spending plenty of time in the studio writing their debut full-length release “The Decline”—one which sees them entering a sharp decline into honest, personal and emotional territory while retaining a sharp, sinister edge. The release date for the record was February of 2017.

With over an hour of original material under their belt, years’ worth of coast-to-coast touring experience and a dedication to heavy music that stands unrivaled, Extortionist have partnered with Artery Global and Pinup Artist Management. and are poised to expand their criminally-catchy kingdom of crushing aggression around the world.

Ticket and show information is available here.

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